An award for me? Why thank you...I'd like to thank my Mother and Father for having me...My faithful computer...The lady who serves me in Boots...etc etc...
Ok, it's not an award as such but, it is in fact a recognition by another blogger who follows you to simply say 'I think your blog is great and I give you an honorary award for your hours of typing, taking photos, spending money (!) to inform the world of this and that and general online sharing'.
Sounds quite nice doesn't it? So I would love to thank the lovely
Stephanie Eva for my nomination and here's hoping it brings us both new followers.
So, my questions that Stephanie has set for me and her other chosen bloggers...
1. Have you ever wanted to be famous? If so, what
type; actress, model, singer, etc?
When I was younger I really wanted to be a singer. I used to have solo singing roles in the school's yearly productions and often daydreamed about being famous on stage. I once had a job in the summer and autumn of '99 as a singer in a wine bar which I really loved.
2. If you could only use one makeup product for the
rest of your life, what would you choose?
Only one? That's a tough one, but I guess it would have to be foundation.
3. Most people don't like their natural hair, do
you like yours? If you do, what do you like about it? If you don't, what
did/will you do to change it?
I love my natural hair colour. My Dad tells me it's the exact match of my Mother's when she was young. My hair sometimes has a mind of its own one day being completely straight the other day very wavy.
4. Have you ever been confused for or told you look
like a celebrity? If so, who? If not, who would you love to look like?
No, can't think of anyone ever saying I do. I guess we all would like to have other people's features maybe. I would like Jennifer Aniston's sun kissed glow and smooth complexion.
5. Who would you want to swap lives for the day
with, if you could?
My daughter. She's nearly 3 and I would love to see the world through her eyes. Plus she gets to play and have her food made for her, no housework, worries etc! LOL
6. Do you like blogging? What made you want to
finally dive into the blogging universe?
I love it. I guess I wanted a hobby that was completely different to my job. I guess I was researching something I wanted to buy that was expensive, and wanted to know if it was worth spending my money on. I got to read so many blogs on a huge range of topics from beauty, home decor, DIY and craft that I thought 'why not have a go myself'.
7. Have you ever been addicted to anything (soda,
coffee, habits, etc) that you've had to stop using/doing?
I wouldn't say I'm addicted to anything as such. I have a bad habit of letting the ironing build up though which I really hate doing. I never leave the house without my phone.
8. Do you film YouTube videos? If you do, how do you
feel about your channel? If you don't, why not?
No I don't. I'm not at all confident in front of a video camera, plus I feel that's a huge commitment. I really wouldn't have the time to film, edit and upload.
9. What is your favourite scent? Could be
For a perfume my all time favourite is Eternity by Calvin Klein. I've repurchased it so many times. Whenever I smell it I'm instantly transported to a very happy time in my life. I also love the smell of the morning dew when spring is in bloom.
10. If you are dating/living with/talking
to/married to anyone, what's their name and where did you meet?
I'm married and he's extremely social media shy so I won't be saying his name. We met locally.
Stephanie only gave me 10 questions but when I researched Leibster Award, 11 seemed to be the most common.
I now tag...
Here are my 11 questions for you...
1) Do you prefer the countryside or the city?
2) What's the worst present you have received?
3) Do you drive? If so, what was the first car you owned?
4) Where do you see yourself in a year's time?
5) Have you ever read a book that's made you cry?
6) What's the strangest dream you've ever had?
7) Salty or sweet popcorn?
8) What's your favourite online shop?
9) How many hours sleep do you have on average?
10) What's the best advice you've been given and by who?
11) Have you ever bought something that you've used or worn and then taken back?
I hope you accept your 'reward' and play along. But before I go, here are my 11 random facts about me...
1) I like peanuts but have never tried peanut butter
2) My favourite colour is red
3) I love antique oak furniture
4) I love rings especially ones with precious stones
5) I started reading 'The Woman in Black' by Susan Hill and have yet to finish it
6) My first car was a mini (original model)
7) I don't drink tea or coffee
8) I want to visit New York some day
9) My favourite season is Spring
10) I've lost the left sandal of my favourite pair but still keep the right, in the hope of finding it
11) I ran over a cat on my driving test and still past!
Thank you again to Stephanie for my nomination. Now I think I'll go treat myself to something as a reward...
Rachel xx